To order a printed book please send your request to Robert Fitterman.
Collective Task 3/4
It represents our third printed collection and contains responses from both cycles 3 and 4. Because we now have over 30 participants and this catalogue represents 2 years of responses, we have asked each artist/poet for only one artwork. The catalogue is tabloid style with 32 pages. It was curated by Laura Boggia and designed by Klaus Killisch in 2016.
Collective Task 2
This volume is 400 pages of text and images by 20+ poets and artists (including Lanny Jordan Jackson, Kim Rosenfield, Astrid Lorange, Klaus Killisch, Kieran Daly, Josef Kaplan, Kristen Gallagher, Vanessa Place, Lawrence Giffin, and many, many more). It represents our second printed collection and contains responses from cycle 2. Released 2014.
Collective Task 1
Conceived by Rob Fitterman, designed by Dirk Rowntree in 2010. Featuring: Tim Davis, Monica de la Torre, Stacy Doris, Rob Fitterman, Sabine Herrmann, Klaus Killisch, Carol Mirakove, Yedda Morrison, Kim Rosenfield, Lisa Sanditz, Rod Smith, Juliana Spahr. It represents our first printed collection and contains responses from cycle 1 with 230 pages. Browse here through online book.
Small Press Distribution
ISBN: 9780981897028