February’s task will honor the life work of our member Madeline Gins who passed away a few weeks ago. I propose that we respond to her work in any way at all. Here is the reversible destiny site again, if you find it useful: www.reversibledestiny.org
Robert Fitterman
Chris Alexander
Erica Baum
Robert Fitterman
Kristen Gallagher
Lanny Jordan Jackson
The last time I had the pleasure of speaking to Madeline I asked how she was. She responded joyfully about how her friends had recently helped her create her dream apartment. When I asked what that entailed she replied “A lot of purple.” I couldn’t stop smiling. In her honor, and as my response to this task (belatedly) is a piece I’m titling Crayons Libidineux in Tyrian Purple Wash.
Klaus Killisch
Carol Mirakove
Yedda Morrison
John Paetsch
Vanessa Place
Kim Rosenfield
Sam Winston
I didn’t know Madeline but as it was around passing away – I watched my breathing for an hour. – the exhalations.