task 08 / 5

throw something out
Joey Yearous-Algozin


Erica Baum

cycle 5 task 08, Erica Baum

Riccardo Boglione

cycle 5 task 08, Riccardo Boglione

Alejandro Crawford

cycle 5 task 08, Alejandro Crawford

Felipe Cussen

cycle 5 task 08, ​Felipe Cussen

​Martín Gubbins

cycle 5 task 08, ​Martín Gubbins

Klaus Killisch

cycle 5 task 08, Klaus Killisch

John Paetsch


Carlos Soto Román

cycle 5 task 08, Carlos Soto Román

Kim Rosenfield

cycle 5 task 08, Kim Rosenfield, throw something out

Ed Steck

I am getting rid of things and giving the money to cats.

Alli Warren



Joey Yearous-Algozin

cycle 5 task 08, Joey Yearous-Algozin